Sunday, February 1, 2009


The ABC's of Ashley
Aunt is one of her favorite jobs
Brandon is her loving husband
Children are her number one dream

(This is a cute tag I saw on Audra's blog)

A - attached or single - attached like crazy to my crazy husband
B - best friends - my husband and my parents
C - cake or pie - I will have to go with pie (banana cream!)
D - day of choice - a day spent laughing and lounging with my family
E- essential item(s) - pledge, a vacuum, an iron, a good book, a bubble bath and my franklin planner
F- favorite color - red
G - gummy worms or bears - bears
H - hometown - Tetonia (Teton Valley) Idaho, my favorite place on earth!
I - indulgences - I can't stay out of the Nordstroms shoe department, and oreos
J - January or July - July, I am a summer girl
K - kids - first one on the way!!!!!
L - life is incomplete without - someone to share all the joys and sorrows with
M - marriage date - 5/14/05
N - number of siblings - two, Angee and Tyler
O - oranges or apples - oranges, although I hate peeling them
Q- quotes - "You can't ride two horses with one ass" (always be clear and strong in your decisions, life is too short to stand in gray areas)
P- phobias or fears - I am terrified of snakes and I still don't like being home alone at night
R- reason to smile - I get to meet my daughter in less than three months
S- season - summer because Brandon will spend more play time with me and Fall because of the beautiful colors
T- tag friends - Adrianne and her blog stocker friends!!!
U- unknown facts about me - I have malignant-hypothermia (which means I can't get the gas at the dentists, bummer), when I am really mad I kick Brandon in the shin, I am not quite 5'1, but I always say I am, I have never had braces on my teeth, I have always wanted bigger boobs, I am thinking of opening my own business, and I still call my mom almost everyday.
V- very favorite story - I could listen to my mom tell stories about her childhood, her mother or her life all day long 
W- worst habit - I pick at my toenails until they bleed (gross)
X- x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram - there is nothing more amazing than seeing your baby for the first time
Y- your favorite food - pasta and cheese, I guess anything that clogs you up!
Z- zodiac - Leo


ashlee said...

That is such a cute post. Congratulations on the baby and I love, love, love how you painted the nursery. Way creative. It looks like you and your husband are so happy and having so much fun. Where are you dancing these days?

Diana said...

I loved getting to know you a little bit more with your ABC post. You are so funny, and I love that big baby belly of yours. Enjoy your last remaining weeks of uninterrupted sleep.

Krystal said...

Hey Ash.. what a cute post.. My wedding date is 5/14/04.. we have the same anniversary date! Fun. You are way too cute of a pregnant lady.. not fair :)