Friday, December 12, 2008

After a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Blaser's and the Segura's, Brandon and I took a quick getaway to Hawaii. We had a great time! It was a last little adventure before I get too big to play. We spent a couple of days on the North shore while staying with Brandon's old roommate and his wife and then a few days around Waikiki. I sat most of the time under a large beach umbrella and watched Brandon surf and snorkel, but we both had a great and relaxing time.

This is us at the Polynesian Cultural Center. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip! 

I really enjoyed the food! I loved everything pineapple, the drinks, the ice cream and all the fresh fruit.

There were a couple of beaches where the turtles would just swim right up on shore. They were protected areas so I guess they were just used to the people. Turtles were always one of my favorite things to see scuba diving, they look so out of place and amazing under water.

Yes it is a maternity swim suit! Ha Ha, my first time in Hawaii and I have a huge belly!

This is a picture of Brandon cliff diving (it is the same spot off the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshell." After this dive he went spear fishing and being the man that he is caught a little nemo fish!

Being around 6 months pregnant I sat the dive out, however I am not sure if I would have been able to get back up the rock even if I weren't pregnant. This is Brandon and his friend Mose, the wives waited at the top!

One of the overlook points on the island.

Brandon during his day of surfing. I sat under a huge beach umbrella and lounged! I think we both got to do what we love!

We had a great trip, big belly and all! I have the sweetest and most adventurous husband. There is ever a dull moment when I am married to him. Thanks for the great trip!


segura2salazar said...

I am so stinking jealous!!! You look so dang cute and it looks like you guys had tons of fun! I can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Megan said...

Could you guys seriously be any cuter! You are adorable Ashley. Seriously, I am envious. What a fun trip to take before your little babe comes. North Shore is one of my favorite spots in the world (I really haven't been many places though). Too Cute!~ Megan

paula said...

What a fun trip for the two of you to take before the baby comes. You will forever be glad you guys took one last hoorah before the will never be the same. Hawaii is of my favorite places ever! You guys are so cute.

BarbaraJo said...

I LOVE Hawaii. I am so jealous! How fun!!!