Wednesday, December 17, 2008

8's Tag

8 Favorite TV Shows

1. 24 (new season in January!!!)
2. Brothers and Sisters
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Friends (Re-runs, I can't get enough)
6. What Not to Wear
7. Jon & Kate Plus 8
8. I Love Lucy 

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1. Made 4 different phone calls to my mom
2. Went to 4 different stores to track down Dylan's Christmas
3. Ate a horrible quick lunch at a Wendy's drivethru
4. Taught two creative classes at an elementary school
5. Searched Tai Pan Trading for some Christmas Gifts
6. Bought two new baby outfits (I can't resist)
7. Made a Lasagna for dinner
8. Watched "The Dark Knight" with Brandon

8 Things I Look Forward To

1. Spending Christmas in Idaho
2. Having a baby girl!!
3. Seeing Brandon as a first time Daddy
4. Seeing Presley on Thursday (she has been with my parents for two weeks)
5. Painting and Decorating the Nursery after Christmas
6. The new gym opening just down the street in January
7. Brandon finishing his Thesis, and then after two years, school
8. Meeting our new nephew in February

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Spaghetti Factory
2. Spaghetti Mamas
3. Cheesecake Factory
4. The Blue Iguana
5. California Pizza Kitchen
6. Kneaders Bakery
7. Anything Thai
8. The Roof Top (for special occasions)

8 Things on my Wish List

1. Have at least 3 kids
2. Travel to Italy
3. Own a studio or be a Professor
4. Buy a mom car (volvo cross country/GMC Acadia or Tahoe)
5. See my family more
6. Buy Brandon a truck and then a ski boat
7. A nice new home where we commute less
8. Someday, go through the Temple

I tag anyone who has not done this yet. It is fun to see people's favorites.


Beth said...

Hey how did you find me?!? It's so good to hear from you! I heard you were dancing professionally, does not surprise me at all! Stay in touch!

BarbaraJo said...

So who is having the "nephew"? Is it Tyler?? How is he anyway?? Tell him HI for me.

Carie Beard said...

You look amazing, I love you rcute little belly! I hope you have a great Christmas with your family....bring your warm coats;)

Nicole said...

Hey! My sisters and I were so excited you guys have a blog now! And congrats on the "soon to be" babe! You look beautiful!