Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our new family blog is hoopesgirls.blogspot.com
Hope you all come follow our new life!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Falling Behind

My computer is not currently hooked up to the net right now, so I promise to have a thousand adorable pictures of Sophie shortly! I will also be starting a new blog for our new (slightly smaller family) considering we are no longer the Segura family. So for all of you who want to follow me and Sophie through our life adventure, I will have a new address for you shortly. We are surviving and adjusting to our new life. Thank you so much for all the support we have been getting from everyone. It is hard, but when you have such a beautiful baby girl to gaze at each morning who could stay sad for long. We are currently living with my mom and dad, but are looking for a home of our own. I got a job at BYUI as part time faculty in their dance department. Sophie has grown to 11 pounds and is 23 inches long. At two months she is already outgrowing her 3 to 6 month clothes! Who would have guessed that little old me could create a tall blonde beauty! Things are looking up and getting easier with each passing day. With all the horrible things that have happend to us lately, we are still very blessed and are being watched over and loved by many!