Monday, December 29, 2008

A few pics from Christmas.
We had a great white Christmas in Idaho. We were snowed in for most of the time, but it was wonderful to be home and with family. I loved spending time with my mom in the kitchen, I never laugh so hard as when I am with her. Our little baby on the way had an amazing Christmas from everyone. Thanks to all the Grandma's and Grandpa's and family for all the fun stuff she received. I have had a great time putting it all away in the baby nursery.

My brother Tyler and his family were able to spend most of the time up at my mom's with us. Their little boy RJ was inseparable with Presley, so he just joined the family picture.
We were all excited Christmas morning. Even Presley got in on the action of opening gifts. This is her new Christmas sweater!
Even Santa remembered Presley with this little toy, sadly it was destroyed within an hour and stuffing strewn throughout the house.
Santa brought Brandon a helmet of his own. He is now fully ready to ride!
Cousin Asia and our little baby to be got tutu's from my mom! I can't wait to use it on my little girl, and get a picture of the two cousins wearing them.
Brandon's biggest surprise was a Wii from my parents. It will be a fun game for the parents to be to play together. Thanks mom and dad!
Here are the boys playing the Wii, Tyler got one too! I guess you are never too old for toys.
We gave Asia and RJ a little igloo fort with a crawl through tunnel entrance. It was a hit.
Little RJ braved the tunnel right after his sister.
Even my dad played the fun Grandpa and got in the fort.
Presley and RJ on their afternoon nap.
It was great to see Dylan, although they could not make it up Christmas day because of the weather, it was fun to celebrate a day late with my favorite 11 yr old boy! Grandpa and Grandma gave him a cell phone for Christmas and it is clear that it will be easy to keep in touch with him, I think my last 20 texts are from him!
Asia is getting ready for the traditional Christmas snowmachine fun.
When the weather finally calmed down a bit, we drove down to see Brandon's Grandparents. Poor Grandma fell and hit her eye on the kitchen counter, we wish her a quick recovery. It was so good to see them over the holidays.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

8's Tag

8 Favorite TV Shows

1. 24 (new season in January!!!)
2. Brothers and Sisters
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Friends (Re-runs, I can't get enough)
6. What Not to Wear
7. Jon & Kate Plus 8
8. I Love Lucy 

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1. Made 4 different phone calls to my mom
2. Went to 4 different stores to track down Dylan's Christmas
3. Ate a horrible quick lunch at a Wendy's drivethru
4. Taught two creative classes at an elementary school
5. Searched Tai Pan Trading for some Christmas Gifts
6. Bought two new baby outfits (I can't resist)
7. Made a Lasagna for dinner
8. Watched "The Dark Knight" with Brandon

8 Things I Look Forward To

1. Spending Christmas in Idaho
2. Having a baby girl!!
3. Seeing Brandon as a first time Daddy
4. Seeing Presley on Thursday (she has been with my parents for two weeks)
5. Painting and Decorating the Nursery after Christmas
6. The new gym opening just down the street in January
7. Brandon finishing his Thesis, and then after two years, school
8. Meeting our new nephew in February

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Spaghetti Factory
2. Spaghetti Mamas
3. Cheesecake Factory
4. The Blue Iguana
5. California Pizza Kitchen
6. Kneaders Bakery
7. Anything Thai
8. The Roof Top (for special occasions)

8 Things on my Wish List

1. Have at least 3 kids
2. Travel to Italy
3. Own a studio or be a Professor
4. Buy a mom car (volvo cross country/GMC Acadia or Tahoe)
5. See my family more
6. Buy Brandon a truck and then a ski boat
7. A nice new home where we commute less
8. Someday, go through the Temple

I tag anyone who has not done this yet. It is fun to see people's favorites.

I was digging through my camera bag and came across these old pictures from August 08. This is the last time the whole Hoopes family got together! Lets hope that snowmobiling on Christmas day goes better! 

My favorite little 11yr old nephew, Dylan, had the first accident. He was riding with Brandon and Tyler and wanted to do all the things the big boys do. Tyler was guiding Dylan on a tight turn when the fore-wheeler started to tip. Dylan fell off and I don't know how, but Tyler managed to get between Dylan and the machine and catapult it upward. It knocked Tyler off a 30 foot drop where he landed in a tree, and this is what became of the fore-wheeler.

This is not a repeat image! It is a second fore-wheeler. While the rest of us went out on the boat, my dad and Grandpa Bob stayed at camp to do some more fore-wheeling. When it got a little too steep on the trail Grandpa let off the gas (never a good idea) and the fore-wheeler rolled right over top of him. This is where it landed.

With a few strong men folk, they were able to un-tangle the machine, and believe it or not they could actually drive it down the mountain!

Over 80 and invincible! Standing by his proud wreckage a bruised Grandpa Bob stood triumphantly! We were all just glad that Grandpa, Dylan and Tyler only walked away with minor injuries.

While the boys at camp were crashing down mountains, the rest of us enjoyed some time on the lake. This is Brandon helping Dylan get ready. Dylan was such a big boy, with a little help from Brandon in the water to get up he was skiing with the best of them.

A newly pregnant me on the boat. This is the trip where we excitedly told my family we were having a baby. This is my mom, skiing, this little girl could not ask for a cooler grandma!

Asia, my little niece who is now two, cheering Grandma on!

All in all, it was an eventful camping trip. We are very lucky that everyone walked away with no broken bones. I can't wait to have everyone together again for Christmas. Hopefully, we will all have just as much fun and walk away just as healthy. I love my family and can't wait to spend the holidays in Idaho this year.

Friday, December 12, 2008

After a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Blaser's and the Segura's, Brandon and I took a quick getaway to Hawaii. We had a great time! It was a last little adventure before I get too big to play. We spent a couple of days on the North shore while staying with Brandon's old roommate and his wife and then a few days around Waikiki. I sat most of the time under a large beach umbrella and watched Brandon surf and snorkel, but we both had a great and relaxing time.

This is us at the Polynesian Cultural Center. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip! 

I really enjoyed the food! I loved everything pineapple, the drinks, the ice cream and all the fresh fruit.

There were a couple of beaches where the turtles would just swim right up on shore. They were protected areas so I guess they were just used to the people. Turtles were always one of my favorite things to see scuba diving, they look so out of place and amazing under water.

Yes it is a maternity swim suit! Ha Ha, my first time in Hawaii and I have a huge belly!

This is a picture of Brandon cliff diving (it is the same spot off the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshell." After this dive he went spear fishing and being the man that he is caught a little nemo fish!

Being around 6 months pregnant I sat the dive out, however I am not sure if I would have been able to get back up the rock even if I weren't pregnant. This is Brandon and his friend Mose, the wives waited at the top!

One of the overlook points on the island.

Brandon during his day of surfing. I sat under a huge beach umbrella and lounged! I think we both got to do what we love!

We had a great trip, big belly and all! I have the sweetest and most adventurous husband. There is ever a dull moment when I am married to him. Thanks for the great trip!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving List

10 Things I am incredibly thankful for this year.

1. I am thankful for the growing baby girl that is soon to arrive.

2. I am thankful for my husband Brandon and how hard he tries to make me happy.

3. I am thankful for my mom and dad, two of my best friends, and the best examples of how to be good, honest and loving people through this life.

4. I am thankful for all of our family and the support that they give us in their own unique ways.

5. I am thankful for my little baby dog, Presley, and the fact that she is always excited when I walk through the door.

6. I am thankful for our home, and how we have been able to grow and learn as a family within its walls.

7. I am thankful that Brandon and I had the opportunity to receive an education and the doors that will open for our future.

8. I am thankful for the renewed hope in America and the prospect for a better future for my daughter.

9. I am thankful for my calling as Primary Secretary and all that I learn from the little children each week.

10. I am thankful for the direction our lives are taking and can't wait to see what the future holds.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's not over until the fat lady tells a joke!

This weekend is my final performance with RDT, if you can call it a performance. It is our fall family show, and apparently some of the higher-ups at RDT find a pregnant woman aesthetically unpleasing onstage. So for my farewell performance I walk onstage, stand behind boxes and tell a joke! That's it! No dancing for this mother-to-be. Luckily I can laugh about the whole situation. I am not uncomfortable in a leotard but I guess it would make some people feel uneasy. I forget that most of the dancing world does not like to present "real people" onstage. So I say goodbye to my professional dancing days for now with a funny little joke about a frog.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours!
We are looking forward to a wonderful holiday season. I have to admit I am already listening to Christmas music in the car, and trying to convince Brandon to put up the lights this weekend. All I am missing is a big snow storm and I will be completely content and ready for Christmas. Brandon is being a wonderful husband and taking me on a vacation to Hawaii in the beginning of December (I am sure it will be the last one we take for a little while)! It will be a great way to kick off the season together. Then it will be back to the hopefully snowy weather, although I might not be up for all the fun winter sports this year! Christmas is my favorite time of year, and we have so much to celebrate in our lives.
Could you say no to these adorable puppy eyes!! I know that I spoil our little Presley dog, but she is so sweet that I just can't resist. Brandon and I have been working like crazy these past few months, so as guilty dog parents we have been taking her to doggy daycare! Yes you read that right, doggy daycare. She has been going about three days a week and loves playing with her friends. They tell me her best friend is a huge black lab named Guss. The best part of the deal is that at night she is so exhausted she sleeps from 6pm to 6am without a peep. She is such a wonderful little addition to our family. It will be interesting to see her adjust to the new baby girl in April. For now, she likes to curl up on my ever growing belly and snore the night away!

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's A Girl!!!
I am about 20 weeks along and we can't wait to meet her! We are busy shopping for strollers and cribs and every little thing a new baby might need. We are trying to pick out paint and deciding how to decorate the nursery. All the grandmas are busy making blankets and quilts. We want to finish a spare bedroom in the basement over the holidays so we can move the guest room downstairs, and leave the upstairs rooms just for mommy and her baby girl. We have a lot to do, but we are loving the process. Although my belly is huge, she measures really small, but everything looks good and healthy. I think she already has a beautiful profile! 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My baby bump made it's stage debut on Thursday October 2nd. We were able to hear the babies heart beat on the 3rd, however I think the baby might be a dancer or a mover of some sort because they would not hold still for more than a few seconds as we tried to locate the heart beat. Here are a couple of backstage photos of the babies first stage appearance. 

I found out I was pregnant on Sunday, August 3rd. Brandon was working at the hospital in Salt Lake and did not get home until 12:30 a.m. This is what he found waiting for him on the bed. He just started laughing!

Brandon and I spend a lot of summer hours trying to improve our golf game at a little course in Tooele. It is one of Brandon's favorite activities that I can actually participate in!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

We are having a baby!!!! I am almost 10 weeks along and we couldn't be more excited!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Repertory Dance Theater

I am back to work! After six wonderfully lazy weeks off RDT started back up again. This will be my second season with the company - and I am really enjoying it. We are working on a piece with Andrea Miller for our upcoming tour and fall concert. It is so nice to work with so many different choreographers and different styles. After six weeks off today was a challenge. I can really feel my almost 30 year old knees after almost six whole hours of floor work. But, what could be better than to get paid doing what you love!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Desert Peak Rodeo!!!
We enjoyed a fun night out at the rodeo in Tooele. It had been so long since either of us had attended a rodeo, we forgot how much fun they can be. Brandon's favorite part is the team roping and Ashley loves the Muttin Bustin! And of course, who can look away as the bull riding happens. It was a cold night, with even a little rain, but we had a good time on our date night out!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Brandon's 30th Birthday
Brandon celebrated his 30th this year. I think he is having a hard time adjusting to the thirties! He is complaining about a lot of body aches! I think he makes a good looking 30 year old. We celebrated, just the two of us by enjoying a delicious mexican dinner at the Blue Iguana. Then we invited the whole Blaser clan over for a BBQ. He was surprised when we all went in on a new set of golf clubs for him. Happy Birthday to my favorite 30 year old!!!
Our First Family Blog!!!

I am finally catching up with technology. We have been a family now for three years, and we thought we would share it with all of you. We were married in May of 2005 and have been in school since then. I just finished my MFA - hurray! My husband is working on his Ph.d in school psych and we hope he will finish in 2010. No babies to show off - but we do have one adorable puppy named Presley. She fills our baby hunger until we are able to have kids. As a professional dancer they tend to frown on the sudden change in body weight! But, hopefully soon, we will be able to start adding to our family.