Some of the joys in my life!
Bonding with baby Sophie. Holding my baby, feeding her or rocking her all hours of the day and night. Nothing could be so wonderful as holding that precious little girl.Seeing Sophie with my mom!
Bonding with baby Sophie. Holding my baby, feeding her or rocking her all hours of the day and night. Nothing could be so wonderful as holding that precious little girl.Seeing Sophie with my mom!
Seeing Sophie notice the world! She is starting to coo and discover her voice, her eyes are more alert and she is awake for more hours of the day. It is amazing to watch her develop and grow.
The possibility of moving closer to family. Although I am not in an ideal situation, I need to make the best of it for Sophie. I need to be strong and positive. If we move closer to my family, I will have some much needed support and Sophie will have a lot of loving cousins to grow up with.
Things that are still hard.
I miss Monday nights with my husband, we would always have a fun dinner and watch 24. I miss having someone there at night, when I hear a sound or had a bad dream, I could reach over and he would be next to me. I miss having my phone call person, someone to call throughout the day to tell my stories to or for no good reason at all.
May 14th is my four year wedding anniversary. I think it will be a hard day. How do you stop loving someone? I am trying to figure that out. Each day gets a little better, I have breakdowns and bad moments, but all the joys with Sophie get me through to the next day. My family has been wonderful, I do not know what I would do without my mom and dad. So here is to four years that did not end as I had dreamed, but they gave me the most beautiful gift and the greatest joy in the world, Sophie!